How To Build Muscle Fast

How To Build Muscle Fast 

Would you like to learn How To Build Muscle Fast? It is easier than you may think. Many bodybuilders and gym rats are confused and frustrated as they try and fail to build muscle quickly. They spend hours in the gym or at home working out with weights and never build the muscle mass they desire. They have not learned the secrets of how to build muscle fast.

how to build muscle fast

Physical transformation with the right set of exercises, balanced and healthy diet, mixed in with adequate rest, will definitely get you that dream body you wish for. However, doing modification and enhancement to you boy requires the proper cultivation of mind, commitment and drive. Though you have the tips on how to build muscle fast, without the proper mind set, physical transformation will only be a thing in the head.

  • Goals - By setting personal goals you will have something to aim for. Select a goal weight and maybe even a bicep or chest measurement that you want to aim for and write it down. If you think this step is unimportant and you skip it you are more likely to give up on your efforts all together and quit after some time, so make sure you specify what you want from your muscle building program and record it.
  • Use heavy weights and compound exercises such as squats, dead lifts and bench press. These will work more of your body with each exercise resulting in quicker muscle gains. Heavy weights and low reps can turn your body into a muscle building machine.
  • Be sure to eat lean red meats and fish. Such as, salmon that contains high amounts of Omega-3. The proteins in meat will enhance and create added muscle growth. The more the better! your body needs vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and nutrients to build muscle. 
  • Add supplements like glutamine and creatine. If you have a low level of glutamine it will only prevent optimal muscle growth. By adding supplements such as glutamine you will encourage more growth. 
  • I can't stress the importance of this enough. There are many bodybuilders who fail to build muscle mass fast because they overtrain. They never give their body a chance to recover. By giving your body the rest it needs, you will be able to restore glycogen levels and allow your muscles to return to optimum levels.
  • Use your goals to stay on track and follow discipline. No one said getting bigger muscles was going to be easy, it requires hard work and you will need to stay motivated. If you miss a meal or training session do not stress too much but make sure you stay on course and focus on reaching your goals. 


Advanced Bodybuilding techniques to Build Muscles Quickly

Forced Reps

What you are going to do here is to lift the weight over and over, quicker and quicker, but the key is that you have helper "spotter" to "force the rep by helping you lift the barbell. What I mean by this is for every ten (10) lifts, you are going to get some help on the eleventh (11). What is going to happen is the barbell is going to get heavier and heavier. This is for sure going to help you build some muscle mass over time.


This one can be a lot of fun. What you want to do is instead of doing a normal lift by moving the weight all the way, you are going to only move the weight half way and then hold it for 10-20 seconds, and do it again. You are going to feel some pain with this one, so make sure that you stretch after each one of the sets to help minimize the pain you are going to feel.

Pre Exhaust Training

This one is for when one specific area is what you want to work on. Say you are going to work on the triceps. You start by doing your favorite routine for your triceps, like lifting the dumbbell over your head. This is the intense part. When you are resting between switching weights or lifts, you are going to skip the rest part and just begin the new exercise. Some people have called this "supersetting", and man does this get those muscles working and burning. This is a great one for building muscle fast.

Giant Sets

This one is going to be similar to the pre exhausting exercise. But here is the difference, you are not going to rest at all for an entire series of exercises of a specific muscle group. Talk about burning, this one will do that. So if you are going to work those biceps and you have several exercises you do, there is no rest for that entire group of exercises for thos biceps.

Strip Sets

You are going to need some help for this one, so get two of your buddies at the gym to help you with this one. Time is everything with this strip sets. What you are going to do is start bench pressing with the most weight on it you usually use and then have the spotters start to lower the weight. Now there is no rest between the weight changes, and you should be used to that by now. The speed is what is going to build the muscles on this one. Try it you will see what I mean.


How To Build Muscle Fast, Efficiently, and Loss Fat 

Discover Proven Methods To Build Muscles, Burn Fat FAST And Gain The Body You Want, Following An Easy Plan That Anybody Can Follow.

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How To Build Muscle Fast